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People News: internal talent promoted to Director-level

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Wednesday, 28th August 20243 min read

Following a period of rapid growth, we are thrilled to announce the promotion of two outstanding team members to Director-level. Please join us in congratulating Colin Bygraves and Vincent Payne on their well-deserved achievements and new roles.

Colin Bygraves - Director of Technical Services

Colin joined us in September 2019 as Head of Technical Services and his expertise and commitment to our company has been fundamental to our rapid growth.

Working at Clear Safety

"In my five years here, I've had the chance to work on a variety of projects that each bring their own unique challenges and learning opportunities. This has not only helped me grow professionally but also allowed me to make a real difference with the safety solutions we provide.

The collaborative culture here is another highlight for me. Our team is full of dedicated professionals who are truly passionate about safety and innovation. The open communication and strong support network make it a great place to work and grow. Plus, Clear Safety really invests in our ongoing training and development, so we’re always ahead of the curve with industry standards and best practices."

Looking Ahead

"I anticipate significant changes driven by sustainability efforts, technological advancements, and changing consumer behaviours in the UK electrical industry. Key areas include prosumer growth, solar energy expansion, advancements in battery storage, growth of green energy, smart technologies integration, and regulatory and policy changes. We will also be assisting our clients in reaching the net zero targets set by Government.”

Vince Payne - Director of Fire Safety Services

Vince joined us in August 2020 as Head of Fire Safety and has been instrumental in the success and growth of the Fire Safety team, taking it from three members to a dynamic department of 28 people.

Working at Clear Safety

"I am totally free and trusted to make decisions based on my experience and knowledge to serve our clients. I get huge satisfaction from the work our fire team does in making a true difference to the safety of our clients' residents and employees. That difference extends to not only remaining compliant but in saving huge sums of money in incorrect specifying of works and how the use of various fire safety guidance can be misunderstood or not used in a practical manner. I really enjoy providing practical training in the hope that this knowledge improves the understanding of fire safety and its application."

Looking ahead

"I see key changes in sustainability and the use of AI in fire safety. Also, making the issue of competency in fire safety and that pathway clear for all stakeholders involved.”

These promotions mark a significant milestone for us and reflect our commitment to growth and excellence. We are excited for the future under the leadership of Colin and Vince and look forward to continued innovation and success.


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